Sunday 18 January 2009

Saturday Night.............

...................and I'm snuggled on the sofa updating my blog.

The rain is lashing down and the winds are almost gale force so theres nowhere I'd rather be.
I'm heating a macaroni in the oven for my (late) dinner, didn't get home from the football till after 6, after a killie pie and coffee ( don't like bovril) I didn't feel like eating anything but I'm starving now.

I was at clinic on Tuesday, good news is my weight is up since last time, but my LF is down a bit. Docs said not to worry too much as one off reading is nothing to panic about, my LF has been steady recently so I might just have had an off day. They'll see how I do in 6-8 weeks and maybe give me IV's a bit earlier.

need to go now........ovens beeping so my dinner must be ready


Tuesday 13 January 2009

Just got back from the presentation night, the patient fund received 489 pounds from the Bowling Club, which will go towards some stuff for the wards.

( Margaret, Lisa, Me, Lady President Fran, Rhona and Lady Vice-President Margaret)

Monday 12 January 2009

Money Money Money

In September last year my local Bowling Club had a Charity Day to raise funds for various charities, usually its Cancer Care but this year they have decided to give some of it to The West of Scotland CF Patient Fund. I helped raise some of it by painting faces and having a wee tuck shop for the kids. So tonight is the presentation of the cheque and Lisa our Physio is coming down to accept it on behalf of the patient fund. more on that later.............