Tuesday 1 September 2009

Sh***y Post

Well, here I am, back again, had a wee break from blogging, again :(

So, I had a clinic appointment on 28th July and my weight was down again so I've been started on Megace along with my Olanzapine in the hope that the two will work together to get some meat on my wee bones ;)

Susan, one of the CF nurses came out 2 weeks later to flush my port and give me a quick once over, my weight was up to 50kgs (yeeha :) ) and my sats were 97%. seems the pills were working - until a week later, I got severe constipation :( no amount of sennacot, movicol, lactulose, or syrup of figs would help. I was in pain and starting to panic as I hadn't had a bowel movement for 3 days, my last resort before calling the CF nurses was a suppositry. Thank God for those wee bullets, it took me another 3 days of sennacot and dulcolax before I was back to normal.
I think my problem was the sheer amount of food I had started to eat since starting on my magic pills was just too much for my poor wee tummy :( That and the need to adjust my creon maybe.
But everything is back to normal now, hopefully I haven't lost much weight with my troubles, my appetite is back too so that must be a good thing ;)